Thursday, July 15, 2010

July14 Creston-Nelson M-75.74,T-7:32:50,AVG-10:03,El-3848

Heading north up the valley to Kootenay Lake towards Crawford Bay where I will take the ferry to Nelson. Cascade Bicycle Club happened to be on the same route as I today. Inviting me over for some much needed snacks at a midmorning rest stop along the way. Thanks.

The Glass House built by a Mortician into recycling back in the 50's. Formeldahyde bottles were stacking up and he couldn't stand to see them go to waste and decided to start saving them up and to build a elaborate residence on Lake Kootenay.He also contacted fellow morticians in the interior of BC and got them into recycling cause. Offering to pick them up if they saved them so he could get the house done sooner at his wifes request.                                                                    

Ferry ride to Balfour from Crawford bay then a 20 mile ride to Nelson. With less hills.
  The penny toss as the ferry landed against one of the iron piles. Just out of reach for a free Pint!

I had to make one last comment om my ride to Creston. Scotties RV where I stayed happened to be right across the street from the Columbia brewing with tours. Kokanee is there main label and as I was taking the tour and we were  entering the packaging department I noticed the Lucky Lager logo. I can't believe I took a Lucky Lager brewery tour.