I'm here in Bar Harbor this morning after my long awaited departure date and flight east. No problems as usual after all that worrying and packing and panicking. My usual progression I go through when I plan a adventure and especially when it's one of this magnitude. Morning Joe at the Randonee Cafe brings me back to the comfort and routines of home and it looks like as I'm gazing around that I'm the only cyclist in here,yes, I guess the rest are working : ) today. It's a week day.
It was a looong day yesterday,traveling east, and a loooonger taxi ride out from the airport as I've changed the title again. A constant work in progress. I happened to pick the 82 LTD while hanging out front of the baggage claim area, with the original driver to. A nice guy who contributed allot to our conversations through his knowledge of local history As we cruised by various intersections on our way out to Bar Harbor he always had a comment to share and one of them was the local fatalities ( Just what I wanted to here about). and he knew them all. Cove intersection was the worst. Four fatalities and still no stop sign he mentioned while cruising down the road with the steering wheel rubbing his t shirt beer belly as we glided on a shock less, listing ride east.
I guess he use to cycle to he commented as I observed it must of been few years back as he could barely fit behind the wh.eel of the LTD.
Today or this morning it's getting the bike together and getting the bugs out. Then going for a ride around Acadia N. Park and wrapping myself around this feat. Removing the sweet coating from my gear to as I had some Nuun tablets that escaped while transiting east