Friday, May 28, 2010

BAGELSnPINTS.May26-27 Bronte-NiagaraOnTheLake-NiagaraFalls M-60.01,T-6:00:01,AVG-10.,El-692.M-13.39,T-1:32:57,AVG-8.64,El-624

I left Bronte Park promptly this morning after wrestling with the racoons most of the night. I could here there sniffer getting closing in  as I was about to doze so I would hiss like a snake and bat the side of the tent a few times to get the critters scurring off. I did have my moment of revenge that night though being I left a empty bag of trail mix out by the picnic table. A distraction from the tent as I heard them crinkling and prying trying to get something out of the empty bag with the scent drivng them nutz. It's hard to compete with a hungry cyclist.

Later that morning I met up with Joe, a new friend I just met over coffee at Starbuck's and chatted part of the morning away with. He mentioned he and his brother Jack had a Bagel shop and Deli on my route and to stop in and say hi  as I was passing through. He thought Jack and I had some common interests as far as adventure and was kind of crazy like myself.
I'm glad I did !! It was my best stop for lunch so far and I would rank it right up there with Gere-A-Deli one of my favorites back home that my Bellingham friends and I ride to on our thursday's ride.Well actually there bagels were the best I've ever had so I would probably rate JC's higher. They've been at it for 20 years and  it shows drawing customers from miles around. Jack was a cyclist to and we talked about touring and he mentioned his past years of racing for a nice afternoon of conversation. He also made sure I had some Bagels for the road before I left which I was most appreciative of...............good eating for a couple of days............isn't that what's lifes about!!

A Pint at the Harp at Niagara On The Lake before bedtime.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

May24-25 Toronto-Bronte,M-51.09,T-5:19:10,AVG-9.6,El-1131

I worked my way out of Toronto today after a nice relaxing break from the trail. My brother inlaws sister,Linda and her husband Craig live here in Toronto and they invited me over for a afternoon barbecue down on the dock where they moor their sailboat on Lake Ontario.They also said I could spend the night which I gladly accepted to. It was a nice afternoon of normalcy after being on the road for a few weeks. Gus who's head of the house hold love's his time at the dock to. His favorite get away. 
Leaving Toronto after a stop at Mt. Equipment Co-op to pick up a few supplies

Monday, May 24, 2010

May22-23 Wicklow-Darlington-Toronto M-62.11,T-6:14:26,AVG-9.95,El-2121,M-58.17,T-6:32:17,AVG-8.89,El-1748

I had company yesterday on the Waterfront Trail. The Whitby Marathon was happening as I was riding west and the runners were headed east. One thing I noticed was the enjoyment level of the participants  faces as I rode closer to the finish line.

Pete, here on my left, I ran into as I was nearing the end of the Waterfront Trail. Where it heads into Toronto and then picks up again. Pete followed me for a few miles as I kept looking in my rear view mirror. Then stopping  for a map check, he stopped and offered up some advice and shortcuts so I wouldn't have to get on Kings Street to get into Toronto." Left at the Log cabin" he said. Then following with "I'm  going the same way"......hey..... "I'll just follow you". I replied. Pete," I'll be going a little slower than you". ......"No trouble"  "It's faster than doing the same trail twice like yesterday when I got messed up." Lost again as I navigated around in a circle and ended up at the same reader board and park a hour and a 1/2 later and I was feeling lucky I did that. I average  around 12mph. Pete does around 8 to 9 mph but thats at 1 time through so I followed him. I new he wouldn't drop me either and I always could here his squeeky chain if I lost sight of him.....Great Guy, as he said this was his first time out and he didn't usually go this far as I could tell by his chain.

I was dreading the ride through Toronto as city's can be some what taxing on all your senses. Navigating through them whilst watching for signs and lackadaisical motorists, surviving. Looking at my handle bar Ontario Provincial map which doesn't show the greatest detail.
Well all that worrying was for nothing as I got closer to the down town area and allot of pedestrians and cyclists were out in #'s for the holiday. A spontaneous herd of us cyclists met up and formed are own eclectic peleton to totally confuse the drivers. It was fun and quite a mismatch of riders with a common goal.

I find the day and experiences change with the miles. Someitmes I find myself getting attached to the lows of the road, isolation, traffic,wrong turn, etc.and once again to be brought "Highs"5 miles down the road by new scenary and new friends, even if it's only brief. Your new relationships on the road can have more depth then one's you've had for years.  I guess the lesson here is let go of the downs and enjoy the ups, there always just around the next bend.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May21 Wellington-Wicklow



May20 Gananque-Wellington


Curious cows on Sebastians farm and happy to. I was riding by and noticed the turqouise color which isn't the usual barn red from where I'm from annd decided I needed a picture. There were chickens and roosters to and they seemed to be as happy as the cows,especially the rooster.